West Ham insider claims that the club has not been made aware of Shaquille O’Neal’s interest in purchasing a stake, but that doesn’t mean moves haven’t been made.

Since news broke yesterday that NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal is reportedly keen on acquiring a stake in West Ham after falling in love with them during a trip to London, fans have been left split on whether this is a good thing or not.

Compared to the average person, Shaq is obviously incredibly wealthy but, when you put him next to the other owners of the club, he doesn’t even come close. At the same time, the potential money he can bring in from the United States alone could make it extremely beneficial to have him on board.

There was also one massive question that was yet to be answered: who shares would he be buying? Thankfully, Sean Whetstone has been able to provide some clarification on this as well as the legitimacy of these claims. “Club sources are not aware of any direct approach or talks with former LA Lakers basketball player Shaquille O’Neal over investment in West Ham,” he stated.

“A Sun story from Bizarre Editor Ellie Henman claims O’Neal got the Hammers bug after watching a game last season and has said he is interested in becoming a shareholder.”

“Whether there has been an approach directly to the Gold family is unknown but West Ham themselves are not aware of it.”

The Gold family have so far been unsuccessful in their attempts to sell part of the late David Gold’s stake in the club, and this could represent a golden opportunity to finally make it happen. It’s believed that Rothschild are acting on behalf of the family and, therefore, it’s unlikely that the board would be aware of any talks if they are only in a preliminary stage. It may not be what fans necessarily want to hear, but expanding their market share is one of the only ways they are able to gain an advantage over other clubs when it comes to PSR.

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