Kevin Keen has reflected on what has been a special moment in his career at West Ham whilst describing fans as the best in the country.

Keen has done an immense job with the youth team, they’ve come so far this season with the side winning their league and, now, the FA Youth Cup (their first time winning the competition since 1999).

Keen is someone who understands West Ham, having spent time with us as a player and he has been involved in the coaching system since 2002.

While he first joined the coaching set up before any of the U18’s were born, he admitted: ‘I’d take this group over any group and I said it to them before the game. They work so hard.’ He praised the Hammers on their work ethic and how well they work together. ‘I am so proud of them,’ the former Midfielder stated.

Kevin mentioned how he was particularly impressed with how the Hammers dealt with Arsenal’s attack. ‘There is a lot of the game where they’ve got possession,’ he said, adding ‘the boys were working hard to make sure Arsenal didn’t get into the box. Our defensive structure was very good.’ While he sung his praises for the defensive performance the one word he had to describe the goals was simply ‘wow’!

‘I think we have the best support in the country,’ he claimed when speaking about the 7000 away fans at the Emirates. ‘It was one of the best nights of my life and I’m sure it’s one of the best nights of our young players’ lives.’

Having such a promising group of players is so important for the club. West Ham need players that have that understanding of the club and what it means to wear the shirt. The players are certainly not short on passion and there are some players that could go on to be top quality. It’s safe to say a few of them will be eyeing up first team football in the coming seasons.

The current campaign has been brilliant for the academy of football and winning the cup, the way they won it and, who they won it against is just something no one could have written. Even the man who knows them best, Kevin Keen, couldn’t believe it. ‘I am gobsmacked. It’s absolutely stunning.’

The future looks bright for the Hammers. Let’s hope some of them can reach the heights of the squad that last won the FA Youth Cup.

Written by Charlie Bass