Super agent believes that West Ham will be sold in the near future.

While West Ham’s current ownership are extremely unpopular amongst the fanbase, and for good reason, they have undisputedly done an excellent job of steering the club away from any sort of financial trouble.

Getting in new owners is something that many fans are desperate for but new owners bring a real risk of completely sinking a steady ship.

Whatever way you look at it though, the Hammers will need new ownership in some shape or form at some point – but it could happen a lot sooner than some expect.

In the opinion of super agent Jon Smith, Tim Steidten taking control of transfers could be a signal that David Sullivan is slowly taking a step back from the club, leading to an eventual sale. “West Ham, as was over the last couple of years, have got away with their way of working because they didn’t have an obvious striker but they did have a decent coach,” he began explaining to Caught Offside.

“Now it looks as if things will work slightly differently at the club with Tim Steidten driving transfers, and I think it’s a path that they have to tread to become a modern club. I’ve grown up with a lot of the people running our game and have had good relationships with most of them, and I’m fond of David Sullivan who has been very kind to me.”

“I’ve watched him operate and he’s bloody good at what he does – but he’s in his 70s. He’s not ill at all, but he’s had medical issues and I just feel that he’s possibly setting the club up for the future. When you look around the corner, the David Gold shareholding that’s for sale… the price has gone up and up and up, and the obvious taker was originally Daniel Kretinsky but he’s gone and bought the Post Office now, so he’s obviously not going to buy West Ham at the same time.”

When it comes to a timeframe, no one really knows exactly when the ownership will change, but Smith believes it could happen within the next 3 years. “Put all those computations together, and you get a club that needs to set itself up for a potential sale in the coming 36 months.”

“So for me, the new way of working is an obvious step for West Ham to take. It’s modern, it’s cool, it’s doing the things that the likes of Man United are going to have to do in future and I think it’s a bold move, but a necessary one. I think there’s a real chance that West Ham will be sold in the next 36 months but it does depend, by the way, on who comes in and takes the Gold shareholding.”

“There’s some big players in that mix, and I think when you see the outcome of that, whoever comes in may be the prelude to what happens next.”

Obviously, it really depends on who takes over as to whether it will be a good thing for the club or not. However, there’s no denying that West Ham are an extremely attractive club: London based, with a massive fanbase and a brilliant deal on a huge stadium – it makes sense for them to be the next side to get a big takeover.

At the same time, it would foolish to ignore the possibility that Sullivan will simply pass on his share to his son Jack Sullivan, but there’s been no real indication either way.

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