West Ham have seen both Ben Johnson and Divin Mubuma depart the club this week, with a mixed feeling as to whether the club should have done more to retain the Academy graduates.

Johnson had been in talks with the club for a number of months, with it being clear there was a significant gap in valuations between the parties on the package to keep him in east London – which ultimately lead to other clubs entering the fray for his signature.

As was exclusively reported by our insider ExWHUEmployee on The West Ham Way Patreon, Johnson spoke with Ipswich and decided that was the move he wanted to make, despite the club coming in late with an improved 5-yeart deal which the player was considering.

Divin Mubuma has seen his future one of speculation for some time also, with the player and his representatives wanting a much improved deal from what West Ham were willing to table at this stage in his career.

This has sadly meant that both Academy players have now left West Ham, with Johnson signing for Ipswich and Mubuma now considering his next move.

The West Ham Way Podcast duo Dave Walker and ExWHUEmployee both gave their thoughts on the departures, with Walker strongly feeling the club have made a big error in not retaining Johnson.

“I’m not convinced that Divin is good enough for West Ham so I’m not overly disappointed about him,” stated Walker. “I do think we have made a mistake letting Johnson go. Home grown, versatile, decent squad player. I think we should’ve given him what he wants rather than spend money on a replacement.”

Ex agreed with his co-host of the Podcast, saying that the club were far too slow in coming to the table with a solid offer for Johnson to remain at the club he has now been at the age of 8.

“It’s always a shame when Academy players who the club had high hopes for leave,” said the insider. “Ben Johnson has been at the club a long time and always given his all. He is a likeable fella who was popular round the club.

“We offered him a new 5 year deal – but I wish we would get these things sorted before it gets to this point.

“Mubama has potential but I don’t feel we have seen enough of it at first team level yet although he didn’t really have the chances in fairness. We shall see if that is a move we live to regret!”