West Ham have reportedly asked for a Premier League club’s permission to talk to their striker.

While West Ham are an extremely traditional club who pride themselves on their rich history, some practices are best left in the past. Despite having a new recruitment team led by Tim Steidten in charge of transfers, some of the players the club have been linked with so far this Summer don’t exactly scream that they’ve been selected by that team.

As usual, a certain football agent (who anyone who knows anything about West Ham can probably guess) is said to be pushing for the Hammers to sign Callum Wilson. This agent has been a key figure in a number of signings over the years, and not many of them have paid off for the East London side.

You would hope that Steidten would have more sense than to pursue than to pursue a 32-year-old striker who’s got one of the worst injury records going. However, according to fan site KUMB, the Irons have asked for Newcastle’s permission to speak to the player.

Thankfully, he’s likely to be a backup option that the club pursue towards the end of the window if they can’t secure other targets. Despite his age, his repeated injuries and his massive wages, he still has a great record in front of goal, scoring 9 in just 20 Premier League appearances last season.

Our Irons have a long history with Wilson and his agent – it just seems like a transfer that’s been overdue really. He’s such a typical West Ham player in the best and worst ways imaginable.

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